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Needing advice for cutting in new access track up a slope

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I don't think you really need a lazer to put in a rural driveway or pathway. You want it so water doesn't collect and it's smooth are the 1st things to think about. Then you need to make sure the base is solid, (packed clay) and put some good material like roadcrush or recycled concrete on it. Apparently the recycled/crushed concrete packs really good with a little moisture. That might be worth looking into for a driveway on a slope.

Guy: CAT-308E2

Active Member
Dec 12, 2022
I don't think you really need a lazer to put in a rural driveway or pathway. You want it so water doesn't collect and it's smooth are the 1st things to think about. Then you need to make sure the base is solid, (packed clay) and put some good material like roadcrush or recycled concrete on it. Apparently the recycled/crushed concrete packs really good with a little moisture. That might be worth looking into for a driveway on a slope.
yes, hoping to use 30-40mm blue metal stone (if we can afford it..) Crushed material is freaken hard to get down here these days. whether it's recycled concrete, slag, sandstone, whatever. La Nina brought in a heckof a LOT of wet and floods last two years. EVERYONE wants material for their driveways getting washed out.

Guy: CAT-308E2

Active Member
Dec 12, 2022


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2018
Homosassa, FL USA
great photos! and damn impressive you did all that with that tiny stand-on machine..! Is that just loamy soil, with clay deeper...? Any rain as you worked? How's the finished job look?

I'll try and get some photos up for this thread soon!

It is almost all sand here in FL. This area used to be mined, so there was some phosphates I hit at one point. It rained most of one day. It made the sand heavier but worked well to control dust.


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2013
sunshine coast qld australia
Heavy equipment operator/foreman for about 48yrs o
To get the best grade , is one that is one grade from the top the bottom, back in NZ I always found the old SHEEP had found the easiest grade up a hill and if U followed their track U had the best grade U could get. Spent many yrs on dozers doing farm tracks and access roads on properties.3783A95D-13F3-47CB-9AB9-72F0A1274027.jpeg87491198-B9FA-4C6C-A350-07657AE82C73_1_105_c.jpeg


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2013
sunshine coast qld australia
Heavy equipment operator/foreman for about 48yrs o
To get the best grade , is one that is one grade from the top the bottom, back in NZ I always found the old SHEEP had found the easiest grade up a hill and if U followed their track U had the best grade U could get. Spent many yrs on dozers doing farm tracks and access roads on properties.View attachment 276877View attachment 276878
Some pics of an access road I did back in the early 80s, the middle pic in the last pic is the finished road, 10.5 mts wide & 20 mts of fill over the pipes. All done by eye, no plans and no levels, took about 3 mths.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
Some pics of an access road I did back in the early 80s, the middle pic in the last pic is the finished road, 10.5 mts wide & 20 mts of fill over the pipes. All done by eye, no plans and no levels, took about 3 mths.

Guy: CAT-308E2

Active Member
Dec 12, 2022
To get the best grade , is one that is one grade from the top the bottom, back in NZ I always found the old SHEEP had found the easiest grade up a hill and if U followed their track U had the best grade U could get. Spent many yrs on dozers doing farm tracks and access roads on properties.View attachment 276877View attachment 276878
incredible photos... My naivety could be in full swing here - but am I right in assuming you literally carved that track down through what was once a ridge line? That's a helluva height difference if so...


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2018
Homosassa, FL USA
incredible photos... My naivety could be in full swing here - but am I right in assuming you literally carved that track down through what was once a ridge line? That's a helluva height difference if so...
Looks exactly like what I did on a FAR GRANDER scale.

I am a little jealous. :)

Guy: CAT-308E2

Active Member
Dec 12, 2022
Thanks for your patience those who asked - I've finally managed to get some rough photos sorted, and even a rough bit of drone vision...

These were taken off some footage I already had, so apologies that it's not the best in terms of where id rather the camera be shooting from...

Have a look if you like anyway (and let me know if any issues as first time trying to upload here) and cheers in advance for those who can make sense of what i've cobbled together here. Hoping you can pause and zoom in where you may want to for perspective with the drone vision.

If anyone would like more photos/vids let me know and I'll make some time to do your questions a due justice! (I'm currently laid up with a spasming back..!)

Thanks everyone again - Appreciate your time and hard-won experience!

Pretty awesome that such can be shared like this from around the world... I do not take that, and your experience/efforts lightly!

Legend of Coloured marks for 2nd Photo:
Red - hill area
Yellow - grade is at 30' or above
Blue - Bottom Start + possible Finish locations
Purple - current proposed (by me) 2WD access track route (Would only make one)
Aqua - Natural route of water/rain flow

Hill - Blank.png

Hill Coloured Marks.jpeg

Guy: CAT-308E2

Active Member
Dec 12, 2022
Thanks for your patience those who asked - I've finally managed to get some rough photos sorted, and even a rough bit of drone vision...

These were taken off some footage I already had, so apologies that it's not the best in terms of where id rather the camera be shooting from...

Have a look if you like anyway (and let me know if any issues as first time trying to upload here) and cheers in advance for those who can make sense of what i've cobbled together here. Hoping you can pause and zoom in where you may want to for perspective with the drone vision.

If anyone would like more photos/vids let me know and I'll make some time to do your questions a due justice! (I'm currently laid up with a spasming back..!)

Thanks everyone again - Appreciate your time and hard-won experience!

Pretty awesome that such can be shared like this from around the world... I do not take that, and your experience/efforts lightly!

Legend of Coloured marks for 2nd Photo:
Red - hill area
Yellow - grade is at 30' or above
Blue - Bottom Start + possible Finish locations
Purple - current proposed (by me) 2WD access track route (Would only make one)
Aqua - Natural route of water/rain flow

View attachment 277080

View attachment 277082

and actually now that I look at it... The yellow 30' grade should extend quite a bit lower down the hill...


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Can the track that ends where the digger is sitting be rerouted to the right a bit thus transecting only one water course? I’ve got numerous creeks on my farm that I have to fix every winter due to washouts, if I could avoid them I wouldn’t hesitate.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2020
how I see that picture, every bit you move the end point to the right it involves a bigger grade change. Let's see if Guy comes back and confirms, but it looks like the bottom of the slope, slopes to the right too. I get that from the pond placement.
That might be why he chooses that end?

EDIT: Guy if I were free to travel I'd come give you a hand. That looks like beautiful country.

Guy: CAT-308E2

Active Member
Dec 12, 2022
Can the track that ends where the digger is sitting be rerouted to the right a bit thus transecting only one water course? I’ve got numerous creeks on my farm that I have to fix every winter due to washouts, if I could avoid them I wouldn’t hesitate.

Yep, ill be wanting to choose a route that crosses the least amount of natural water travel! But the start/finish/bottom of the track has to be where that blue dot is