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Sarah Merget


New Member
Feb 7, 2024
I am Sarah Merget, a content writer with over 8 years of industry experience in the construction domain. Creating unique and compelling content that resonates with intended audience, I have developed a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in these industries. I am capable of translating that understanding into engaging content that educates readers on various topics related to building information modeling, architectural, engineering & construction processes, structural drawings, MEP clash coordination, 3D laser scanning technology, virtual reality, AR, AI and much more.


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
North of the 60
Cargo Tanks, ULSD, RUG, Methanol, LPG
Hi Sarah. Welcome to the HEF.

My name is Coaldust. I’m a part-time alcoholic and full time rabbit farmer. Sometimes, people pay me to fix big yellow machines, which they are unable to fix themselves.

This is Mizz. Biscuit. She lives in my single-wide, in da woodz. The rest of my rabbits live under my trailer. Do you like rabbits?



Senior Member
Jan 18, 2007
Perth, Western Australia.
Semi-Retired ..
Hi Sarah,

My handle is OzDozer, but I've been called a lot of different names over the years, many of them unprintable.
I'm just an old Vietnam veteran, and a broken-down former earthmoving contractor who likes to get onto tractor forums and tell equipment owners how beat-up their bargain piece of equipment is, that they just bought real cheap. I guess that makes me a capable person, too?

Sometimes I make out like I know a lot more than I do, so I hand out all kinds of advice on how to fix things I've never fixed myself - and then leave the owners to it.
It gives me a warm feeling to do this - knowing I've created more work for someone else, who really doesn't need it.

I've owned lots of machinery and other things - most of them bought used and abused, cheaply, so I can understand what HEF members are going through, when they come here with a heart-breaking problem.

I don't own any rabbits, but I did own a farm once, and I shot lots of rabbits, because they were an uncontrollable pest where my farm was.
I also bulldozed lots of rabbit warrens, and that gave me a warm feeling, too - knowing that hundreds of those little fluffy cottontails were suffocating as I ripped up their comfortable homes, and drove over them.

I like engaging with people, too. In fact, I quite often spend a fair amount of my time engaging with passers-by outside my local shopping mall, where I usually squat every day, with my worst torn and dirty clothes, and my begging bowl.
Some passers-by are nice to me, and some are not so nice, but hey, not everyone can be nice all the time, can they?

I'm having trouble trying to figure out what you're talking about, when you say things like, "MEP clash coordination, 3D laser scanning technology, virtual reality, AR, AI and much more".

But that could be because I got expelled from school in 6th grade, so my learnin' probably ain't what it should be for this modern world.
I can assure you though, I can cuss with the best of them - especially when a tool slips on a tight part, and my finger ends up with a blood blister.

I trust you find what you're looking for, but I think you might be looking in the wrong place here, you probably need to find a forum full of real estate developers, construction moguls and smarty-pants engineers who think they know it all. Good luck with your search for clients.

Regards, OzD.


Senior Member
May 21, 2009
The shore of the illinois river USA
Hi Sarah !
Welcome to HEF and good luck with your projects. Not sure what they are tho.:)
Also a big thank you for accidentally creating the funniest thread I have ever read on HEF.
I never knew we had such colorful, creative and entertaining members.
I love rabbits. Had 36 tame ones, one time. They were delicious. A good smack on the head was all it took to getem ready to butcher. sometimes more than one smack tho.
Wild ones were easier to end their life. I was a very good with a shotgun.
I wish I could spend some time with OzDozer, we have a lot of the same interests. ;)
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Senior Member
Dec 15, 2019
Jack of all trades/Master of none
I do not love rabbits. When I was a kid my parents were broke and there wasn't enough acreage for a cattle farming operation, so they settled for rabbits. When you are 7 a 10lb New Zealand white is a formidable foe. For all the trouble they taste too much like turkey, if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2020
New Mexico
Hi Sarah,

I'm HardRockNM. Hard rock as in hard rock mining, not music. I have developed a shallow understanding of creating unengaging content that misinforms viewers about the realities of mining. Namely by insinuating that it can be profitable; in reality a mine is a hole in the ground into which I pour money for fun. My fleet consists of assorted cantankerous leaky pieces of vaguely mobile equipment, sixty percent of the time they work every time.

Underground is currently a rabbit-free zone, however we do have issues with Rodents Of Unusual Size. My favored method of rodent control is smashing them with an LHD bucket but they're a bit too fast to do that reliably so a .22 revolver is my backup.

At home I've got a pair of cats. One is reasonably intelligent, the other is about seventeen pounds, has lit himself on fire five times at last count (cat tails and jar candles do not mix), and considers rabbits to be both dangerous predators and his intellectual superiors.



Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
My name is Miles Dyson. After fast paced career in the software industry, I have since decided to settle down and own and control several machines for my personal pleasure.