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  • I have a 3-page conversation that might be of interest to the forum members. Is there a way to post it and make it visible to all members?
    hey digger242j I notice we are from around the same area. I got some questions if you got time.
    I have found some information pertaining to seal kits for the PTO hydraulic motor (D90094) on a 1989 Case 480E ll. Actually it is a Char-Lynn 109-1027-004, and the shaft end seal kit is part# 61236-000 which includes the shaft seal, dust seal and face gasket, the rear end seal kit is 61234-000. The unit is a Char-Lynn 109 4000 series pump which is no longer being manufactured.
    Hi Digger, As you can see I am a new member to the site and I think it is great. I have a s185 that I am rebuilding and trying to get going. I also have a Case (I think a 580) backhoe attachment (backhoe part only) that I would like to post for sale, but in that section it says that I don't have the privilege to do so. Can you tell me how that works or who to reach out to in order to find out? Thanks, B-Crazy
    Hi digger
    I just wanted to let you know that I have two listings in the wanted/sale section that sold . The listing was one of the Wright 1 1/2 drive swivels and the 1 3/4 impact socket .
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