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Would you leave a city job to go logging?


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2013
Yup, that's what I'm thinking Hank. I can take a week here and there and go play in the woods and not have to depend on a check from it. I think i'll enjoy it a lot more and for a lot longer that way. And my retirement I'll get to enjoy even more in 20-30 years

Hank R

Senior Member
May 28, 2014
Princeton B.C. Canada
Retired Truck driver and School bus driver
My school pension (B.C. government) pay me just over $15.xx per hr. And my early CPP tops it up a bit more. Not rich but have health and dental plans. I know of a lot of friends that work 5 days a week and some are making they same as I do or a bit less.


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Eastern NC
Attitude Adjuster at the Graybar Hotel
My school pension (B.C. government) pay me just over $15.xx per hr. And my early CPP tops it up a bit more. Not rich but have health and dental plans. I know of a lot of friends that work 5 days a week and some are making they same as I do or a bit less.

That's better than what I have to look forward to in a State pension. I will have free medical, but will have to pay a modest amount for dental. I don't know if Canada has something similar, but we also have Social Security down here, if the bastards don't figure out a way to clean the fund out to buy more votes from the sick, lame and lazy. Fortunately, I have some money tucked away as well, if they don't find a way to rob that also.

One of these days, I will tell you how I REALLY feel.


Senior Member
Nov 7, 2011
Florence Texas
Field Service Supervisor
I get asked all the time "What would it take for you to work for me?" I tell them call the boss and he will dispatch me. I make a good wage, get training, do what i love, and in two months I will hit 15 years. That is 4 weeks vacation now. The truth of it is my customers couldn't afford me. I'm just to spoiled where I'm at.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2012
Moose Lake, MN
Retired Cons't. Supt./Hospitals
I get asked all the time "What would it take for you to work for me?" I tell them call the boss and he will dispatch me. I make a good wage, get training, do what i love, and in two months I will hit 15 years. That is 4 weeks vacation now. The truth of it is my customers couldn't afford me. I'm just to spoiled where I'm at.

That's a great answer. I to have been fortunate to work for a great employer where you are treated decent, paid well, and a name instead of a number. More companies would be more profitable if they treated their employees like they are humans.


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
More companies would be more profitable if they treated their employees like they are humans.


Being a small contractor my whole life, I just don't understand not treating your employees well. I've never worked for a large corporation so I have no experience in that realm but have dealt with enough large corporations and their stupid decisions to get an understanding.:cool:

Just recently hired one of my former guys back, he was the super overseeing 10 guys back in the day. I have been slowly building back to where there is enough work to bring him on. I respect this man more than most of my family members and I wasn't going to bring him on if I couldn't keep him on. His brother was the #2 guy, great mechanic and operator, working on building enough work to get him back on board as well. He is ready to come back but the work load hasn't increased enough - yet.

We're like a family on the job site - the kind of family you can air your grievances about your real family and you know it stays between us.:D

I wouldn't trade being a small contractor for any other profession, building things that you can drive by years later and say "We built that" and have the stories to tell - ;)