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Scottish heavy equipment mechanic

cuttin edge

Senior Member
Nov 9, 2014
NB Canada
Finish grader operator
No matter, I'm not a kid anymore and can't throw rocks like I used to. So I guess y'all don't get the point. Okay if its not a Grizz then a big cat or a bear of some sort, or other such dangerous "animal".
I get your point perfectly, and if you need to carry in order to feel safe in your home, or to go outside, that's ok. I'm not allowed to, I don't own any, I have not hunted since I was a teen, and even then it belonged to my father. I have never felt unsafe outside, or in the woods from people or animals. I remembered when we had a serial killer on the run, and people still never locked their doors. Not a big deal, I get you, and I respect your right to do your thing, and also your fear of coming to a place that takes that from you when you are here. All good.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
A big majority of people in Canada feel safe going about their daily activities and don't live in fear. People from Canada are generally much more respected in other countries as well. A lot of it has to do with Canada having a reputation of being too nice. Canada also has one of the highest standards of living in the world. We still have some crappy politicians and stupidity but overall it's not too bad. I think Victor will like Calgary and Alberta in general. No provincial sales tax is a big bonus, just the 5% GST.


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2017
Langley BC
I to have encountered bears and a cougar in the wild. Sometimes closer than I would like. I am not scared when I am out. I am not scared when I go into the city, even the not nice areas. I have worked in some sketchy areas of the city and grew up going into the sketchy areas with my Dad because he worked down there. I guess it is more about what we are used to and when to be more vigilant. I would not go into a dark alley but main streets are safe. I also would not wear a Rolex and walk in a sketchy area. Cam

Victor mcdade

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2022
United Kingdom
A big majority of people in Canada feel safe going about their daily activities and don't live in fear. People from Canada are generally much more respected in other countries as well. A lot of it has to do with Canada having a reputation of being too nice. Canada also has one of the highest standards of living in the world. We still have some crappy politicians and stupidity but overall it's not too bad. I think Victor will like Calgary and Alberta in general. No provincial sales tax is a big bonus, just the 5% GST.
I'm not making the shift for financial reasons, its a quality of life in looking for and a challenge in my trade, Canadian/British/Australian mechanics are held in a high regard around the world but in Scotland there's no progression, no encouragement, you just work 70+80hrs a week and if you're lucky 2weeks holiday a year, it's just becoming harder to get any enjoyment from it and when the Canada job popped it's head up I thought that's a future I can get my teeth into, sure there will be a lot of things and ways of working that I will need to change and I will need to do the red seal which actually frightens a lot of guy in the UK from coming to Canada but all these things are just part of the process and I can't wait


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2016
A lot of the bear attacks up here are caused by the victims stupid dog running off-leash, encountering a bear and then running back to the owner. Bear attacks around here are quite rare. We quite often get black bears in our yard and around the house but we just chase them away. We live beside a ravine so we get lots of deer, moose, and bears going through our yard. When we move next month, i will miss them:(


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2015
Canada's Northwest
I'm sure you will do fine. My dad came from Ireland to Canada and his mechanic credentials were not recognised here. He went to the college and the instructor lent him the books he would need to study to challenge the red seal exam which he did and passed both the provincial and inter-provincial. The college may have an evening course you could take before challenging the exam. My wife and I both took courses at our college and I was amazed how they literally bent over backwards to accommodate us.
I think the biggest challenge you will face will be learning to drive on the opposite side of the road.

cuttin edge

Senior Member
Nov 9, 2014
NB Canada
Finish grader operator
I'm sure you will do fine. My dad came from Ireland to Canada and his mechanic credentials were not recognised here. He went to the college and the instructor lent him the books he would need to study to challenge the red seal exam which he did and passed both the provincial and inter-provincial. The college may have an evening course you could take before challenging the exam. My wife and I both took courses at our college and I was amazed how they literally bent over backwards to accommodate us.
I think the biggest challenge you will face will be learning to drive on the opposite side of the road.
Never thought of that one, and pants are not underwear. Biscuts are not cookies. https://www.google.com/search?q=Bri...#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:82408d8d,vid:YV_0udB3F4E


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Several friends and I had a bad border crossing events on our rides, we all swore after that would not ever step foot in Canuckistan or spend any of or money there. Evidently Harleys are owned by gangs and lo lifes as treated as such. No respect or consideration shown, none to be returned. We all called and voiced our events to Canadian Tourism, meant NADA so OK and all swore off ever even flying in. I have turned down several invites from friends to go to Canada for fishing trips, not a grudge, a defined bad experience.

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
I've never had a bad experience going into Canada. It was always why, where, how long, any guns, any fruit and have a good trip. It was far worse coming back into the US. Came back from Victoria when the kids were young on the Black Ball ferry into Port Angeles. The jerks pulled us out of the car and took the kids off to the side asking them who their parents were. Then they search our car and gave me and the wife a lot of crap about having to have a birth certificate for each kid. We had been into Canada several times over the years before that and never an issue. After that I always believed the US border cops carry a big chip on their shoulders.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
I've only visited the US once. Wasn't too bad going into the States, border guard asked a lot of questions and seemed a bit grumpy though. Coming back into Canada all they asked was if I had anything to declare, handed him a few receipts, he told me its all good and away I went.

cuttin edge

Senior Member
Nov 9, 2014
NB Canada
Finish grader operator
Only been in the States a couple times. First time, crossed in Ontario. Big guy at the border with a gun looked into my soul while he asked questions. I started to wonder if I was smuggling drugs. Went through New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine and crossed back into New Brunswick. It was a small crossing, and she did not even talk to us, just waved. Second time, went to Maine to pick up snowmobile parts, easy going down, but they went over everything on the way back.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Shoulda seen the look when he emptied my pocket bottle of aspirin and antacids dumped out contents. Could not get back in bottle. Gave me a look. No stutter stated need to be smarter than the bottle. Yes, NO sense of humor.


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2017
Langley BC
We live 3 miles from a border crossing. We used to cross several times a month before the shut down. Most experience has been good. Been dog searched 3 times, takes a few minutes. Been called in for secondary twice going into the US, once sat and watched the boarder officers chat for 3/4 of an hour before the nice man who sent us in rotated inside and saw us sitting there. We were out in 10 more minutes. The other time, we were directed to a parking spot. the officer came out in a few minutes with travel guides, forest fire maps, cookies for the dogs and we were good to go. One never knows who you will get when you cross the border. Same coming back into Canada. Never know how it will go until you get across. Cam


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
Crossed the border on harleys alot. Only one time did the US border ever even open my trunk, all the other times was straight through. They never seemed to care too much even when I had a huge beard and long hair past my shoulders. Always had the max amount of alcohol/ tobacco coming back into Canada, never ever had it checked or verified. Had my covid vaccine paperwork and Canpass ready last year, also no one even looked at it.


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2017
Langley BC
We always roll up, shut off the truck, hand over our passports and if coming home, a stack of receipts. Saying “good morning or good afternoon “ as well seems to help. Cam