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Heiliner scaper

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
When I was at the vintage machinery site, that has the Raygo Giant grader there is Heiliner scraper. It had to be before 1953 as that's when Heil were bought by International Harvester. Has anyone else ever seen one or used one? Sorry didn't take a pic. I was too busy looking at all the cool old machines. There was also an IH scraper but I never got the models of them and a couple sizes of Letourneau Carryalls. I have to go back and get some pics. Any fan of vintage equipment would have been impressed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2008
east chatham,ny
My friend who owned this had quite the collection of old stuff like this that they still used cable pans d7s and 8s. a couple of draglines all in operating condition. Unfortunately he and his partner have died and all of the iron disappeared this year and the site cleaned out of any sign of it. I hope the scrappers didn't get it. Steve