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Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Grid power fails, no recharges, cannot even get gas to run a genny to recharge the batteries. Is not the base battery that is a problem with cold charging is ALL batteries slow to charge cold and been that way forever.
EVs have a good chance in the High pollution issue big metros with all the major highways, open roads are their downfall as while can get Some regenerative braking will not recharge and requires a high value electrical connection or generator to feed these. Sure the Ev trucks can pull like mad Uphill and regen brake Down but still require a Long Duration top charge and that is where the fun is, as battery comes up on charge the cells resist taking that charge so more energy required to force feed them.

No One is talking of realistic Battery system lives, sure a Tesla is seen going five or six years, yet how much to re-battery at eight or ten, how much other equipment is at fail point, or are these a trade in for pennies and deal with the cost prohibitive newer models? More Throw away grief.


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2019
Jack of all trades/Master of none
Grid power fails, no recharges, cannot even get gas to run a genny to recharge the batteries. Is not the base battery that is a problem with cold charging is ALL batteries slow to charge cold and been that way forever.
EVs have a good chance in the High pollution issue big metros with all the major highways, open roads are their downfall as while can get Some regenerative braking will not recharge and requires a high value electrical connection or generator to feed these. Sure the Ev trucks can pull like mad Uphill and regen brake Down but still require a Long Duration top charge and that is where the fun is, as battery comes up on charge the cells resist taking that charge so more energy required to force feed them.

No One is talking of realistic Battery system lives, sure a Tesla is seen going five or six years, yet how much to re-battery at eight or ten, how much other equipment is at fail point, or are these a trade in for pennies and deal with the cost prohibitive newer models? More Throw away grief.

Enough with the facts and logic, Sir.

We are going to haul freight with dreams and fairy dust yet, you just wait . . .


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
Look up Edison motors on you tube, he's made a diesel over electric logging truck that's built on the merits of electric motors and battery and not because of emissions or regulations and it's pretty epic.

If they made a light weight semi (like current semis) it would definitely change trucking for the better.



Senior Member
Sep 15, 2018
Your six
Yep, like there isn't any problem acquiring gas in an emergency .....

Back in 05' when hurricane Ike hit, me and the ex wife evacuated, well her mom stayed behind due to essential worker for hospital until last second. She made it out with just clothes on her back and being the good son in law I drove from Dallas TX to Orange TX to get her stuff.
The route I originally was going to take had way too much debris, so meander here and there through back roads around road blocks was sure taking a lot more fuel than my 40 mpg car could hold. Got down there, got the stuff started back on same tank of gas and the route I were to take back road blocks started appearing. Knowing I wouldn't make it had to siphon fuel out of vehicle that went under water, all gas stations and gensets to back them up down.
I made it back, but that was close. Power never came back on for about 3 weeks down there in some places or longer.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
The newest and greatest as to electrical motor service is Variable Frequency Drive. Crane in the Plant Fuel building was showing its age where needed a better speed control for handling the Spent Fuel dry cask storage units, the end result was a high torque variable speed drive that did not adjust in steps as the old systems did. Was a very smooth transition from initial brake release into movement then to speed but did require a great deal of electronics cabinetry and components. Was amazing how slow could functionally operate with loads the engineers that constructed the facility never intended the hoists to handle more than during construction.

crane operator

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2009
sw missouri
The new Ram "Ramcharger" 1500 has been released. A V6 pentastar as a generator engine with 150 mile range on just battery.

Personally, I see a lot more buyers for that as a option, than a strictly battery model. It would work for me. In a way that a battery only vehicle wouldn't .

And also personally, I think having a truck named the "Ram Ramcharger" is pretty stupid. Not as stupid as ford naming their battery only mini crossover SUV a "mustang", but whatever. Its like they have a room full of idiots and everything is decided by committee and no one is there to say "this is stupid".


Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
And also personally, I think having a truck named the "Ram Ramcharger" is pretty stupid.
The irony of the whole lot, all of these were some of the worst gas guzzlers ever built. Dodge
in those years didn't/couldn't build anything that got over 10 mpg, with a interior designed by
"Tommy". I guess they could have revived the buried Trail Duster by Plymouth name. Funny the
ramcharger sold but the trailduster didn't. Anywho those were junk-yeah need a better name.
Trailduster below.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
I'm not sure hybrid is the best name as hybrid typically has the gas engine hooked to the drive train, and the proper application for efficiency would be electric drive only, gas over electric or diesel over electric.

It's a excellent setup as the battery takes the peak HP load so you can run a much smaller engine, probably the gas engine needs about half the hp of the electric motors, and you probably need a 1/5th of the weight of the batteries. The gas engine only runs at 1800 rpm and is at peak efficiency for the engine. In the diesel version you put diesel heaters for the batteries do you don't lose any range in the cold. Heating with diesel to gain winter efficiency is very efficient energy use.

I think automotive applications are DC, while a frequency drive is ac.


Senior Member
Nov 11, 2011
That Edison truck only has one kind of drive (power) system and a way to charge the batteries so it's not hybrid any more than a train locomotive is :)

Kind of splitting hairs but the line needs to be drawn !

Birken Vogt

Charter Member
Nov 30, 2003
Grass Valley, Ca
From my perspective in power generation, wires are just as good a connection as a drive shaft, anything with batteries plus an engine is an actual hybrid. I have been following Edison and it looks good from my perspective, I think it is the real deal and will work if they can find buyers and are not somehow crushed by the bigs.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Hybrid/hybread-in our house the bread is kept on top of refrigerator-hybread-random.
Funny I started this thread---anymore I couldn't give a sh!t what happens. Never effect me.