I think I've mentioned it already but my property is long and narrow. We have our main yard which is all mowed, then a couple acres of back field. We've determined that it's nice to have some distance to our view and this mulberry tree, though still alive and lovely, was a better door than a window. My lovely wife suggested taking it down. I suggested waiting until all the leaves were off.
Since the ol' backhoe starts and runs like a champ now, I got her out and pushed just a bit up high and got to sawing. It came down beautifully with just a slight push cracking the hinge.
I proceeded to limb it and all that, then the wife wanted some emergency firewood so I bucked to reasonable sizes using the forks to raise branches up and slice them apart. I also kept the trunk and a crotch, in hopes of making something out of it, so I moved that to the log pile.
Then I ran around the yard a bit and did some fire pile clean-up and stuff like that. I also used the forks to rip some of the logs for a garden idea we had, I'll show that later.
This is the view now, and after moving some big heavy stuff, making life sooooo much easier, and giggling like a little girl while I did it I realized how much I've missed the backhoe!