I had a friend cover a dig I didn't have time for witch is fine we trade a fair bit of work but the job was digging the electric service across a parking lot 800 feet to the curb
After 2 days of digging it's still not done and about 14 things have been ripped out that were in the way actually only 4 lines survived. In the aftermath of this of course everyone is mad and blaming everyone else but how do they expect a guy to dig around stuff that he doesn't know is there or where about that it's at. Everything that was broke has nothing to do with blue stake and one call all of it were systems for the car wash that's being built it's been in the ground 3 months
Now on the other hand after the first pipe was broke I would have pulled the plug on digging and had stuff marked out but my friend didn't after all the destruction the first day the super didn't stop the digging to solve the problem instead they take to calling me saying that the guys I sent is to slow and he has hit everything
Is the customer worth trying to keep it seems to me after all this they don't have enough common sense to do the job right
Sorry I guess I just had to rant a little but why is it always on the operator to figure everything out no one else wants to think ahead
After 2 days of digging it's still not done and about 14 things have been ripped out that were in the way actually only 4 lines survived. In the aftermath of this of course everyone is mad and blaming everyone else but how do they expect a guy to dig around stuff that he doesn't know is there or where about that it's at. Everything that was broke has nothing to do with blue stake and one call all of it were systems for the car wash that's being built it's been in the ground 3 months
Now on the other hand after the first pipe was broke I would have pulled the plug on digging and had stuff marked out but my friend didn't after all the destruction the first day the super didn't stop the digging to solve the problem instead they take to calling me saying that the guys I sent is to slow and he has hit everything
Is the customer worth trying to keep it seems to me after all this they don't have enough common sense to do the job right
Sorry I guess I just had to rant a little but why is it always on the operator to figure everything out no one else wants to think ahead