Having a major electrical problem with my TL130, it’s stuck in a very awkward place to effect any meaningful diagnostics and needs to be removed under its own power.
Problem was sudden onset on a working machine, and seems to be related to the control relays potentially not getting adequate power, unfortunately this machine has been re-wired by an imbecile and nothing matches the factory wiring diagram. It will crank and the engine will run for short periods (up to about 2 minutes) then conk out as if the fuel solenoid has been pulled. When engine runs the pilot hydraulics are not enabled so there is no ability to move the machine.
The seat bar switch is working, the triple relay units work when tested out of the machine.
I believe there is a bypass plug for the pilot enable solenoid on the machine, like there is for the emergency cut-off on the computer, but haven’t found it or where to find it. Does anyone know where this bypass plug is? Or, the location of the pilot enable solenoid so I can bypass it directly? Just need to run the machine long enough to get on a truck.
Problem was sudden onset on a working machine, and seems to be related to the control relays potentially not getting adequate power, unfortunately this machine has been re-wired by an imbecile and nothing matches the factory wiring diagram. It will crank and the engine will run for short periods (up to about 2 minutes) then conk out as if the fuel solenoid has been pulled. When engine runs the pilot hydraulics are not enabled so there is no ability to move the machine.
The seat bar switch is working, the triple relay units work when tested out of the machine.
I believe there is a bypass plug for the pilot enable solenoid on the machine, like there is for the emergency cut-off on the computer, but haven’t found it or where to find it. Does anyone know where this bypass plug is? Or, the location of the pilot enable solenoid so I can bypass it directly? Just need to run the machine long enough to get on a truck.