If you drive a distributor, this question is for you because I have never driven one. Getting ready in the next month to do a mill and overlay project with 108,000 SY of glass reinforced paving fabric, which requires us to shoot about 400 ton of PG 58-28.
In the past, when we have had to place paving fabric we have hired out the distributor truck that has a fabric roller installed on the back. This works great because the company we generally hire does this kind of work all the time and is very professional and do a very good job. It's all they do. Basically all I have to tell the driver is how heavy the oil needs to be shot, he says okay, and that's it. He takes it from there. I don't know what he does to make sure that happens, but he does it.
This new project we are working on, we have decided that we are going to do it ourselves because it will save us about 6 grand. We have the equipment, drivers etc. The only difference is our distributor driver is not used to having to be that precise. In this case, I need the truck to shoot .13 gal/SY. So here's the question: How hard is that? If everything works in the truck? (they have computerized systems)
You could give me a scale of 1 to 10 difficulty. If you drive a distributor frequently and have ever done this work, where would say something like this would fit in to your scale of difficulty?
In the past, when we have had to place paving fabric we have hired out the distributor truck that has a fabric roller installed on the back. This works great because the company we generally hire does this kind of work all the time and is very professional and do a very good job. It's all they do. Basically all I have to tell the driver is how heavy the oil needs to be shot, he says okay, and that's it. He takes it from there. I don't know what he does to make sure that happens, but he does it.
This new project we are working on, we have decided that we are going to do it ourselves because it will save us about 6 grand. We have the equipment, drivers etc. The only difference is our distributor driver is not used to having to be that precise. In this case, I need the truck to shoot .13 gal/SY. So here's the question: How hard is that? If everything works in the truck? (they have computerized systems)
You could give me a scale of 1 to 10 difficulty. If you drive a distributor frequently and have ever done this work, where would say something like this would fit in to your scale of difficulty?