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Prime up fuel line D4H series 2

Pedro Garza

New Member
May 11, 2021
Corpus Christi
So I have an early 90’s late 80s cat d4h dozer series 2. I stupidly ran out of fuel. I filled up with diesel and now I think I have air in the system cause it will not start. It does not have a priming pump on top of fuel filter. I’ve looked for a breather on the injection pump and nothing. I’ve tried cracking 2 hoses going into engine. No luck. I turn engine over and I’m getting diesel to top of engine but getting bubbles. Also I have checked for fluid in filter and it is full. There is a t at the fuel filter cracked it and fuel is coming out with bubbles as well. I wish I knew where I could pull fluid from to prime up the entire fuel system. Any help would be appreciated. I’m in a job and been delayed 3 days cause I can’t prime up dozer.


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
See if this works. You will probably need very good batteries or a jumper pack.

Fuel Priming

If the engine does not start, air is trapped in the fuel lines to the engine. Use the following procedure to purge air from the lines.

Machines Not Equipped with Fuel Priming Pump

1. Loosen the fuel injection lines at the cylinder head of the engine. Use two wrenches to avoid breaking fuel lines.
2. Move the governor control lever to the LOW IDLE position.
3. Turn the start switch key to START. Crank the engine until fuel flows free of air bubbles from all fuel lines.
4. Stop the engine.
5. Tighten the fuel line nuts to a torque of 40 ± 7 N·m (30 ± 5 lb ft).

Pedro Garza

New Member
May 11, 2021
Corpus Christi
Thanks for the response I read that in a forum earlier I tried it and no prevail. I saw someone prime up lines by hooking up to the return lines on a cat wheeled loader but I need a diagram for the fuel plumbing. So I don’t pull from the wrong spot and create more air in the system or make a pocket. I’m charging batteries on a trickle charger now and bought a 400 dollar battery booster. I also bought a air pneumatic Vaccum I just need specifics on where I can pull from


Senior Member
May 9, 2011
North of the 60
Cargo Tanks, ULSD, RUG, Methanol, LPG
You are kinda overthinking this. A fuel can, a hand pump and couple hoses usually does the trick. A weed sprayer works good, too.



Senior Member
Mar 18, 2010
Sunny South Carolina
Master Inj.Pump rebuilder
Have u changed the filters first.?
If u pulled from the bottom of the tank until it ran out of fuel, chances are u sucked up a bunch of muck and filled up the filters..
Once u change the filters, loosen the outlet on the filter head going TO the inj pump and pressurize the tank with low air pressure.. to force the fuel thru the filters..
Don’t blow up the tank..

Pedro Garza

New Member
May 11, 2021
Corpus Christi
Ok so I got it going the filters were good we were running low voltage so we hooked up both batteries with a truck on each one and a jump pack to starter and got it going.The injection pump wasn’t getting enough voltage to open up. And we also tightened belt for alternator to help push back that voltage lol. We cracked lines and a good amount of air came out also we used gasoline on a rag and wrapped it around air filter to help out. We got it going. Thanks for the info guys. God bless you all.