It an old ex-TAFE eastern bloc style milling machine made in Poland. After seeing what someone in the UK did with theirs, I found a turret milling machine someone was scrapping and bought the milling head off them, and with some minor modifications and repairs I fitted it to the milling machine to make it half useful.
The roller job has turned into a right old pain in the bum to do. Unless the broken bolts are protruding, never try to weld them out. Looks like I have made them as hard as hell and all the drill wants to do is squeal. I have managed to get a 5mm hole though the centre of each, but that is it. Then the Kohler engine on my little Miller welder generator just wants to stop all the time, then it floods itself with a brand new genuine carburettor. I am not sure why but in my experience the US has never been able to design a small petrol motor that runs reliably. I reckon you could run a Honda under water after pulling it from a volcano. They never seem to give much trouble, but this Kohler is just rubbish, up there with Briggs and Stratton rubbish.
I should have taken Glum's advice and just welded the roller on. But no, I have to do it the right way.