The only drawbacks I see to it after I was quoted a new one by Triad Machinery was pricing, financing and getting the timber companies to pony up the money for it and set up units specifically for it.
I knew it was going to be expensive so that's without saying because, what isn't expensive today?
Financing. In today's world of 9 and 10% interest that is a killer on something of that much money on a 5-year term. I've heard of some places financing yarders out to 10 or 15 years but I've never seen it nor have I had anybody tell me that they actually go that far on their funding not to mention, who would stretch one out that far? So that leaves you with a payment of close to $60,000 per month. That's a big nut to crack for a yarder in these uncertain times.
Timber companies. As we all know and have all seen we can be carte blanche on a tree farm today or for the last few years but as soon as a regime change comes we can be out like yesterday's trash. That's awful concerning and nerve-wracking when you have that much debt over your head.
I guess what I'm trying to say is as much as I would really like to put a wet signature on a purchase order from one I just can't justify it at this time. At least not a new one and unfortunately I don't know of any used ones available. There's one in New Zealand that is brand new but it has to get an engine swap to tier four to be able to come to the USA.
Looks like I'm stuck running the '071 for the foreseeable future.