Au contrair, mon frere. All -2 SVL units are equipped with a DPF exhaust system. The 95-2 is also equipped with a DEF system. The 75-2 is under 75hp, and therefore only has DPF.Even the new SVL75 don’t have emission crap not enough HP. 100 HP and up
I have a 2017 SVL75-2 and it also has a knocking sound from the front idlers. My Dealer service Dept says its normal. Don't like it.I like the black scheme, stars.... Looks sharp! I now have over 400 hrs on my machine most of which are behind the loftness. My machine tracked to the right since the day I brought it home (really bad).I had multiple conversations with the service manager at my dealer but before we actually tore into it to straighten it out the right drive motor went out. It's currently being fixed and I'm using an identical loaner. I can't complain about the dealer service. On my machine there's a loud knocking coming from the front idlers when tracking and I figured that was just the way these machines are but the loaner doesn't have it all. I'm assuming and been told it's the idlers rattling around inside their housing where they slide... Any input? Overall I'm happy with the machine but if I were doing mulching year round I'd spend the extra for a 299/297 or asv.
I have a 2017 SVL75-2 and it also has a knocking sound from the front idlers. My Dealer service Dept says its normal. Don't like it.
I used to feel the same way, but when we demoed all of them but Deere, I chose the Bobcat. And after 5 years and almost 1500 hours, I'd still chose Bobcat.I refuse to run bobcats, though.
Hysert- I recently threw a track on my SVL75, as in completely off, and now the lower idlers wont stop clicking, even after checking all the bearings, and were all good, might I add. Any suggestions?
Was mentioning all these DEF related issues on the 95s to my dealer! He has only had 10 come back with DEF related issues? 9 of 10 were operating errors, like putting fuel in the DEF tank (WTF) and long idle times! He says if your doing jobs where in and out of cab frequently is required, turn the revs up to 1/4 throttle seems to do it?? Again only what I'm told, but will elaborate once I get some hrs on ours
Hi all, just joined the forum. Hysert, any chance you have some more info on resolving issues from a long idle? Fortunately I didn't put fuel in the DEF tank (lols) I did however recently let my SVL 95-2s idle at low throttle to charge up the battery and now get the E9602 error code. The troubleshooting from the manual says my problem is "SCR system error, engine power is limited during operation." and the resolution is "To resolve this error code, use the E:95xx error solution." which of course is dominated by "Immediately contact your local dealer". Would a 1/4 throttle idle potentially resolve this? If I try this is there any chance I make the problem worse? Can I do serious damage to my machine by running it in this state? Looking forward to learning a few things!