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JD 450 e stopped moving

Ralph Harris

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
Cochran ga
Hey everybody, this is my first time posting I’m 63 years old and have own Equipment most of my life. I have done hundreds of searches on this site and it’s awesome thanks in advance for any help that I might receive and if I can help anybody out with an opinion or something that happened to me I will try thanks .
I have 450 Deer Bulldozer that I’ve owned for about three months. It’s been a great little machine but right after I bought it a hydraulic oil leak on the left rear axle leaking fluid onto the left rear track.
It would get slow to move as it would get low on fluid yesterday with a full crank case it stopped moving 100% no matter what we tried. I haven’t checked the hydraulic filters yet. I was just wondering if anybody has experience with this machine could maybe point me in the right direction thanks everybody in advance and happy new year Ralph.

Diesel Dave

Senior Member
Sep 29, 2022
Ontario Canada
Welcome to HEF Ralph :cool: .
I suspect the splines on the engine clutch disk and or the transmission input shaft are stripped.
Install a 200- 300 psi guage at the 1/8 NPT pipe plug under the drum plug.
At 1800 rpm,Normal transmission pump pressure with clutch pedal up and in neutral,forward or reverse is 165-180 psi.
See screenshot below showing drum plug location.

Ralph Harris

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
Cochran ga
I appreciate the information. I will certainly do that. I have some fittings laying around. What would you recommend as far as hose with high pressure hydraulic line for pressure set up?

Steve Austin

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2016
Tullahoma TN
In the picture Diesel Dave sent you rubber plug number 2 on right side there also is a plug on left side of clutch housing. Remove that plug and check the position of the jam nut on the adjustment stud. Also take a flashlight and check for oil in the clutch housing. I have seen the clutch disk get saturated with oil and cause slippage or no movement also.

Ralph Harris

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
Cochran ga
I appreciate that. I’m going over there today because the machine is on another property that I own. The machine has always started really nice even when cold for down here low 20s
Almost bought a pressure test kit the other day, but I’m going to see what I actually need to set up a gauge for that, but I will look at that nut nuts off that means it can’t engage correct?
I did start up cold a couple days ago when we put it in here it would move about an inch forward and then about an inch in reverse so it’s getting some pressure it would seem

Ralph Harris

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
Cochran ga
I appreciate that. I certainly will do that. We put it in gear the other day and it barely bumped forward maybe an inch and then bumped rearward about an inch.
We’re going over today because it said another piece of land not where I live and I will try that take some pictures and then I’ll post back. Thanks guys.

Steve Austin

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2016
Tullahoma TN
The locknut adjustment is used to set the pressure for the HLR clutch packs. I have seen many of those adjustment nuts lose their tension especially if there have been adjusted several times. They tend to back off and lower the operating pressure for the clutch packs. The nut takes a 1/2-inch socket deep well if the nut turns freely by hand, it has lost its locking ability. You will need a new lock nut and go thru the adjustment procedure in tech manual to obtain correct pressure.

Ralph Harris

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
Cochran ga
This is the first time I’ve looked at the top of a bulldozer. I seen a plug between the left and right levers. I don’t know what y’all are calling the drum so I took some pictures if I’m in the wrong area please let me know.
Something crazy happened, though I push the clutch in put it in gear and let it out and the dozer moved so I ran it for about 20 minutes. It worked as good as it has. but just starting it up and putting it in gear it wouldn’t move unless I push the clutch in but after I push the clutch in and let it out, it started working normally

Ralph Harris

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
Cochran ga

Ralph Harris

Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2025
Cochran ga
Is there a chance that the clutch was stuck in or depressed possibly clutch plates got hot my son was using the clutch a lot to drive the bulldozer and I told him that you don’t need to clutch to drive it not like you do a tractor

Steve Austin

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2016
Tullahoma TN
Sounds like you have clutch pedal linkage binding on dirt or debris or frozen pin at pivot points. Clean area around linkage and spray with penetrating oil. All pins should move freely no binding.
The plug you are looking for is the same plug that goes in a 55 gallon drum or at least looks the same. You will see in the center of transmission cover more toward front third of cover. Not near the small cover where steering clutch spool's are. Also you should hear the clutch pedal hit its stop, there may be debris not letting it return all the way. Pull up on pedal by hand and see if it feel like a solid stop not spongy.