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I hope you guys are correct


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2006
Central NY
Just about everyone on here said Komatsu Excavators are good if you stay away from the 3's and 4's. I am a new owner of a 97' pc150-6 I will have to find a place to park it next week. Now I need a 20 ton tag trailer and I will be able to move it around with out borrowing some else's trailer. I will know more after a few hundred hours, I think komatsu could prove to be as good as Hitachi, hope so! Sold my little 331 excavator hope I don't miss it to much.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2006
Gradulations!!! Go make a but load of money with it now! Mine just arrived Tuesday and I cant wait. Every service mechanic I talk to loves Komatsu equipment, My Hitachi rep that lost a sale even said that he cant say one thing bad about Komatsu (he just took shots at the Komatsu dealer intown). Keep us posted on how you like it, you know, the good and the bad.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
Lynnwood, WA
2nd year Operating Engineer Apprentice
You'll be fine man, don't worry about it. That machine looked very solid, I took a look at the pictures on the other thread. Go make a wad with it and don't look back.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2006
Work for the Swedish pharmacy
Cool! Komatsu is my favorite! I wouldnt mind a PC5500 backhoe.. :D


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2006
Central NY
Thanks for the encouragement; I will keep you guys in the loop on how it works out. Cascade, I checked it out the best I could and it looks to be deal.

Ford LT-9000

Nov 17, 2005
B.C. Canada
Rolling around in the dirt
If you bought the same machine that was in the pictures you posted earlier it looked like it was taken care of. A 97 machine in this area would be pretty well beat.

I think the Komatsu will be fine now you need a trailer to carry it unless you use the 12 ton for a few trips. One of the contractors in this area used to carry a 150 sized machine on a 12 ton trailer it might even been less maybe a 10 ton. It was a little scary looking but the trailer did the job but the contractor now owns a 20 ton trailer.

Good luck with the machine hopefully it increases your work you get. As for loosing the Bobcat machine you probably won't miss it, you might have so many larger jobs with the 150 you don't even want to consider jobs that require a mini.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2006
Central NY
Ford, I hope you are rite, as far as the jobs go too keep the 150 going. I don't like the little drainage jobs I used to do the 331 and do want the larger jobs. I thought about moving machine with 12 ton trailer but was told that very bad things can happen. I might keep the 12 ton to use to haul skid, dozer, roller, ex60 with. I can pull the 12 ton with pick up if I have to but can only put the skid steer on it if I do. I also could use it for pipe, hay bails, lumber etc. I found a 2 year old eager beaver 20t for sale. I can't keep the 150 on the side of my house like I keep all the rest of the stuff, just too big. The plan would be to keep the 150 on the 20t trailer and park it at a friend’s place he lives just up the road from me. He has a gravel pit and a very large parking area. Do you think it will harm the 20t trailer if you never take the machine off, except for jobs? Most of the time the trailer would sit loaded. The good news is that my summer turned out pretty good and I had no big jobs that made my year like last year. The growth came from a bunch of smaller jobs (2-4 week stuff, instead of 2-4 months stuff) so I think this is a good sign of things to come. I would rather have as many customers as possible instead of counting on one or two for you survival. Then you can pick and choose what jobs you want to do instead of having to take what ever comes your way. The trucking help to fill in any gaps along the way. Very happy I bought the old Mack, one the smartest things I have done so far. My dozer is a little small, very nice machine but if I had to do that again I would of bought a 650 instead of a 450. The job I am on now I think I would saved myself a whole day of dozer work If I had a bigger dozer. Every year you get smarter and the faster, and your customer base gets bigger. It just gets easier once you get past the first 3 to 4 years.

Ford LT-9000

Nov 17, 2005
B.C. Canada
Rolling around in the dirt
A 150 sized machine is good for most jobs its pretty well all what contractors in this area use. As for leaving a machine on the trailer is hard on the trailer tires. Also you would have to block the tounge of the trailer up a trailer Jack would have to be fairly good one. Also another thing to think off is if the machine is on the trailer its easier to steal.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2006
Good for you, that machine seemed like a pretty nice one, and you were lucky it was right near you. should really let you fly through those big jobs, once you start running it you will be amazed how much material you can move compared to your smaller equipment.

As far as leaving it on the trailer, if only for a day or over the weekend or whatever i wouldnt sweat it, but any longer and i would just unload before you unhook from the trailer, should only take you all of 10 minutes, and another 10 to load it back on.