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D6M Transmission Problem


New Member
Feb 14, 2022
british columbia
I have a d6m (finger tip steer) that was sunken in a swamp. Pulled it out, flushed the engine oil and trans fluid, changed filters. Machine now will not operate in any speed.

I have a service manual and clicker box but am stumped. Main relief valve to trans pressure is good, Ive taken out and cleaned the transmission pump, hydraulic pump, and torque converter. Brake and steer solenoids operate correctly.

Checked wiring harnesses for continuity and shorts, all good. The only code I have is 113 693 f07.

With a pressure gauge on the modulating valve taps, none of the solenoids (1-5) show any pressure under any circumstance. I have taken the solenoids out and cleaned them several times - whenever a modulating valve is cleaned, it works for a few minutes after installation then stops (pressure drops to zero). I have tried calibrating a few and when I have been lucky have been able to get one or two to the right pressure for a while then had them stop functioning entirely.

Reading other threads i have heard people talking about gunk getting past the filter and clogging the solenoids up if the system has been contaminated. Should i try and flush the transmission again? or am i looking at taking the whole tranny out for disassembly.


New Member
Feb 14, 2022
british columbia
so a quick update, went ahead and pulled out the transmission, took it apart and inspected everything. no signs of damage, clutches are all still at about 80%. Big thing is the pan had several pounds of sludge in the bottom. Some of it was milky oil that went thick, some was just some kind of black sediment - I don't think it's clutch material - could have been something that got pulled in through the breather vent or the driveshaft seal. I'm pretty sure that was what kept fouling all the solenoids.

Farmer peter

Nov 11, 2024
ponoka AB
hey did u figure out the problem i got a D6M and it got swamped as Well and wont move! i flushed the system 2x pulled the tranny out and cleaned everything but still no go
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Farmer peter

Nov 11, 2024
ponoka AB
113 0675.02

Mean anything sorry I’m not to familiar how to read these codes but if I press the ✅ button a bunch numbers start coming buy all start with 113 tho


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
Mean anything sorry I’m not to familiar how to read these codes but if I press the ✅ button a bunch numbers start coming buy all start with 113 tho
When the numbers are scrolling everything with 113 before it relates to the transmission.
Each diagnostic Code will appear as two separate lines.

Take a look to the RH side of the monitor panel where the numbers are appearing. There is an icon marked SERV CODE (you should see it when you first turn on the key while the dash panel is doing its self-test). Note ANY Code where, when the numbers are visible in the monitor panel window, the SERV CODE icon is illuminated.


An illuminated SERV CODE icon means the particular Diagnostic Code is Active right now. Those are the ones to pay attention to.
113 0675.02
If that Code is Active it means the Intermeidte Speed Sensor inside the transmission is on the fritz.

Farmer peter

Nov 11, 2024
ponoka AB
the actual service code light is not on. also to answer about pressure gauges i don't have any but i had a guy come out and he did check the pressures and he claimed they were all good. i was busy with harvest at the time so didn't get to much clarity on it but he wanted to pull the tranny next so we halled it to the shop now and i plan to start doing that


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
it does when i first turn key on yes
That is the self-test and the fact it lights up when you first turn the key on proves that the light works.
pressure gauges i don't have any but i had a guy come out and he did check the pressures and he claimed they were all good.
Can you ask him exactly what pressures he measured and what were the results.?

Can you confirm that the engine starts and responds correctly to the governor control between Low idle and High Idle.?
Can you describe what are the symptoms when you try to engage any gear (FWD or REV).?

Farmer peter

Nov 11, 2024
ponoka AB
When forward I got nothing in any gear
When revers. It seems to wana try move in second gear but nothing in 1st or 3rd

For govern controls it hasn’t really got any just a hand throttle it’s 1999 so not to much electrical yet


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
had a guy come out and he did check the pressures and he claimed they were all good. i was busy with harvest at the time so didn't get to much clarity on it but he wanted to pull the tranny next
Here’s a question for him. If all the pressures he measured were “good” why would he want to pull the transmission.? That makes no sense, at least not to me it doesn’t.

Farmer peter

Nov 11, 2024
ponoka AB
so turns out the plug on the back of the trans shorted out so we fixed that but still it didnt work so i replaced all the shift solenoids on the tranny with an other used tranny i had sitting here and that fixed it so were rolling again

Hoe hand

Jun 9, 2023
I have a D6m lpg serial number 4JN02794 it only has one code active for radiator temp sensor dozer will not move at times and sometimes it will move fine but never moves farther then 15 or 20 feet then as soon as you swap directions it stops again and will not move again transmission has been pulled 3 times and can't find anything out of the ordinary.... it has an odd cavitation sound when you remove parking brake but the sound goes away when you turn the parking brake back on.