I have a d6c, 10k-3438 leaking on back side of sprocket,ck oil level and found very low..I added four gal,s of oil and noticed oil pouring out of seal on back of sprocket, Blocked up tractor, removed outer cover and found, dead axle nut loose, proceed to dissemble right side,final, found holder support pulled off by hand.Pressed off sprocket,, removed cover, and found bearings pitted but still intact,, My concern is dead axle key way is at 7:00 instead of at 12:00. I don't know if axle has turned, or if last repair someone ser axle at 7:00, Also big nut under tractor had no wire ring, but it did have lL shape pin on top side of dead axle holding nut in place. IT does not appear that axle has turned or pin would have fell out.please help thank you