I am going to try to send these pictures. I hope they are the ones you wanted. They are all the valves that are under the operating sticks. The two hoses on the right are for the boom.
With todays prices where is the best place to purchase new hoses?Having just done all those hoses on a 310, I wish you luck getting to the port reliefs on the bottom... There's just not a lot of room to work on anything in there...
Yes that’s on the same side as the Boom lever I’m wondering is there any other things inside? I imagine that the O-ring comes with the nut. I haven’t had a chance to look at the website. do you know of a way I can send you the 25 second video of the acorn leaking, it’s very slow lthere must be another way that the fluid is leaking from the boom as well. The way it spudders makes you think that there must be some air inside there also?That acorn nut looking thing (item #1 in the link provided) is the cap that gives access to the valve spool centering springs. And yes there's an o-ring in there that seals the valve spool, obviously that one is bad, and that can cause your boom drift it that's the side of the valve that operators boom raise. > https://partscatalog.deere.com/jdrc/sidebyside/equipment/19271/referrer/navigation/pgId/2296263