New Member
i have a 140g grader has a 3306 engine ,it has had a full out of chasse rebuild only 200h ish ago and i done oil test on it from 71h since i got it back from rebuild and it has fule in oil, tested it at 71h,got a C from cats lab,i changed the oil so i new for sure the oil was not contaminated then tested at 40h on new oil, got a B, then tested again at 116h, got a C again, were the work got done was not my choice and is pretty clear the wont warrant there work have had other issues soon as it got off the truck, so where could the fuel be getting into the oil and what can i to stop it ,id like to try sort it out myself if can,cant be spending a **** load more, the bill i was stuck with was way to much , the grader runs fine and blows no smoke , it does seem to be using oil though, 7liters in 116h . when the oil lvl should be rising with fule getting into oil,