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Search results

  1. skyking1

    Looking for a mini for my homestead

    These are not the droids you are looking for. Op, good on you for stepping away. More people need to do that.
  2. skyking1

    Case CX130 turntable bearing

    Get the part number and start searching. You can probably get it from China for half.
  3. skyking1

    Case CX130 turntable bearing

    Yes they are a unit. I got one off of vendor on eBay for the 120.
  4. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    The fun part about working on a project like that is thinking about what the water is going to do. You don't want to make a thing that ends up being " a river runs through it". It takes a little careful planning and a calibrated eyeball or a laser, and then it does become fun. If you've got a...
  5. skyking1

    Commercial construction work pictures

    I think the pins in the 1 ton, the tooth is under the seat of the dump truck, and my pin tool is up here at the house job. I'm pretty scattered these days!
  6. skyking1

    Dangerous Penske driver

    I posted about a driver a while back that narrowly avoided getting me into a multi-car semi truck crash. I truly think that the phones are the problem. I've got high mount brake lights. I've got low mount brake lights on the dump truck. I was tapping my brakes trying to get his attention that...
  7. skyking1

    Commercial construction work pictures

    I did the first gig in 3 months. Monday I mobilized in and it was pretty miserable, overall. Snow and ice on snotty black peaty stuff. The retired part of me is completely over this. But the guy who is borrowing a 120 and a dump truck is committed to help out for a while yet. I had a Starbucks...
  8. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    Even better!!!
  9. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    That was my first track change. Now that I have done one, I could get it done with some big blocks of wood and come-along and just the machine. Need good open space and a good hand at single tracking and walking the other side with the boom/swing/stick.
  10. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    ITR is not rubber tracks. You are not getting rubber tracks in a machine larger than about an 8 ton. ITR is an inexpensive brand of replacement steel tracks from China. It is a job that you can do yourself. I did use a mini because I had one. New shoes does not fix everything, but on a...
  11. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    Not that Doosan. Example machine: https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/hvo/d/everett-2006-hitachi-zx-200lc-excavator/7824336889.html
  12. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    I'd opt for a 200 sized machine with progressive thumb. But that is what I always say :)
  13. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    Seriously I would be game to help out, but I am working pretty hard getting my place done. I enjoy this kind of thing, when I can pick the weather etc. If you are really wanting some help, send me a Personal Message. Maybe it can work.
  14. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    about size: Really, there is no "too big" until you get bound up trying to build a really narrow flat spot with a wall below/above it. Bigger is your friend.
  15. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    Tell us about the location a bit. Lots of stone is great, do you have some soil to go with it? Terracing and working side hills is fairly technical work. Not saying you can't learn it, but there is a lot of room for error and drama there. Some pictures would be nice too. I'd look for something...
  16. skyking1

    manuel throttle on 2005 Hitachi zaxis 120 ?

    @Diesel Dave knows his stuff. I have not needed much help here ( furiously knocking on wood) but it is nice to watch.
  17. skyking1

    New guy no clue

    Roads and house pads as in many? Are you developing it and dividing it up? It makes a difference.
  18. skyking1


    turn off the caps lock and we can talk.
  19. skyking1

    Coworker passed away

    I lost a Terry on a Saturday morning like that too, Doug. I can really relate to that. He and I were chatting about him bringing his travel trailer out to our beach lot, doing fun stuff. He was a great guy. His wife picked up his phone after waking up with him cold in the bed, and started...
  20. skyking1

    Broken bolt / stud extraction methods - share some new ideas

    weld on a nut worked for me too. I had a good one, a rotten exhaust stud on the IO-470 in the 310. There is no room in the nacelle, so I tapped a thin castle nut on the stud and blind welded the nut to it with the wire feed. I got lucky it came right out. I used to keep that "bolt" around as a...