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Search results

  1. D

    Question for Paver Operators.

    Thanks, telescooper, They switched operators on the machine I was assigned to. I ran 8 loads to him and didn't have a problem all night. Now that I've been on this job a few weeks, the other drivers are starting to share info. Apparently, the 1st operator was taken off the machine because he had...
  2. D

    Question for Paver Operators.

    telescooper, It is a widener. http://www.nixon-egli.com/images/product_images/MidlandSPD8-3l.jpg The arm on it is 2ft. wide to fill in the trench. The trench is like a footer for when they mill and repave the lanes, the asphalt will have a shoulder to push against when it's rolled.
  3. D

    Question for Paver Operators.

    I'm getting the idea of it now...Alot of my problem was backing straight up to the machine, the other problem is, the miller is zig zagging, forcing the paver to follow his trench. Working at night makes it that much harder, traffic whizzing past on the left, a 2ft deep ditch on the right...
  4. D

    Question for Paver Operators.

    hoosier, I don't know why they aren't using a shuttle buggy, those I have dumped into before. I take my cues from the paver driver, to raise and lower my body, he's been good at pointing left and right, telling me which way to steer. I seem to be kind of getting the hang of it. Last night I only...
  5. D

    Question for Paver Operators.

    I am a triaxle driver with 8 years of experience hauling stone and dirt, the company I work for took a job hauling asphalt to a shoulder paver on the Interstate at night. We are in our first week of the job and I can't for the life of me figure out how to follow the paver and stay straight in...
  6. D

    First Post Test

  7. D

    First Post Test

    *tap, tap* testing 123
  8. D

    First Post Test

    Is this thing on?