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Search results

  1. D

    Oil and Gas industry people, what are these pipes used for?

    hopefully the "place" was the grill....
  2. D

    What can you tell me about this r.g. blueprint?

    Try EBAY
  3. D

    Has anyone herd of supply constraints on CAT Pin 3894857, no stock in Australia and being quoted 90 day lead time on OS orders, seams a bit excessive

    BTW on a mine site that large, what would a typical diesel fuel tank farm look like there ?
  4. D

    From Desk Job to Diesel: Chasing My Childhood Dream

    Nige could help better than I can, with me looking in from the outside. As you indicated programming and electrical work, the large off hiway trucks are electric drive. How is your industrial electronics knowledge ? Can you work on power electronics ? IIRC the Cat literature is showing 2300...
  5. D

    What can you tell me about this r.g. blueprint?

    It's an assembly drawing. I don't see any dimensions in which you could make parts for it. Probably was sent out to the customer when they bought the plow kit.
  6. D

    What can you tell me about this r.g. blueprint?

    Must be a snowstorm, as I can't see any blueprint.
  7. D

    From Desk Job to Diesel: Chasing My Childhood Dream

    I would end the "get to the US" idea, and concentrate on Canada.
  8. D

    From Desk Job to Diesel: Chasing My Childhood Dream

    I think that the quota's are more open in Canada than in the USofA.
  9. D

    Has anyone herd of supply constraints on CAT Pin 3894857, no stock in Australia and being quoted 90 day lead time on OS orders, seams a bit excessive

    Thank you for this Nige ^^ "Hard" and "Tough" are 2 separate things. Probably can't make it glass hard all thru, as shattering would be catastrophic. so tough would be my first thought. If you make it hardfaced (with the HVO coating) and it does not wear, would you rather replace a pin or...
  10. D

    Has anyone herd of supply constraints on CAT Pin 3894857, no stock in Australia and being quoted 90 day lead time on OS orders, seams a bit excessive

    However it still wore out with the HOV. Looks like spray metalizing, but the actual composition is not revealed. As above ^^^, a local machine shop should get you back up and running, if it does not have the HOV, and wears sooner, will you still be money ahead ?
  11. D

    Coworker passed away

    "The best that you can hope for, is to die in your sleep"
  12. D

    Heavy Equipment Forum is Reference for Artificial Intelligence

    "Heavy Equipment Forum is Reference for Artificial Intelligence" so this explains all the DNS spambot attacks as of late ?
  13. D

    Transformer Move Through My Town

    Used to see one like that once in awhile going into Erie Press systems. They build and re-build giant presses, like the kind you see stamping auto hoods, and forging press's. IIRC it was 250 tons. A double gooseneck affair, could have been rated at much more, as 250 tons is not really much in...
  14. D

    Wheel loader reversible fan - dozer style

    Here's your sign (song).... ;)
  15. D

    Wheel loader reversible fan - dozer style

    Is there an echo in here ?
  16. D

    Wheel loader reversible fan - dozer style

    Huber Reversible Fan company made here in erie, pa now gone. My Fiat allis 12g had 2 of them.
  17. D

    Herd Bumper Guard no instructions

    Pix ?
  18. D

    Transformer Move Through My Town

    really ? Your going to tutor me ? I've worked on our tap changer(s)