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Search results

  1. SlatcoAu

    A25C Volvo rock truck not shifting.

    How much did the repair of the TCU cost?
  2. SlatcoAu

    Purchasing first off road haul truck

    Transmissions and dropboxes are the most expensive items that typically need replacing in the 12,000hr range. Also make sure the hitch has no cracks.
  3. SlatcoAu

    Purchasing first off road haul truck

    Agreed. My A25C is great but after having it for a few years I wish I had a 30 or 35.....
  4. SlatcoAu

    Give me your best estimate on this JD 210G

    What can be done to prevent a catastrophic failure of the hydraulic system other than filtration?
  5. SlatcoAu

    Volvo a35d rear brake pressure not holding

    I had a similar issue and it was the park brake. When stopped with the brake applied it was leaking air, when I was moving it was fine as there was no air going to that circuit then.
  6. SlatcoAu

    Case 580 SK Winer Ops

    For what its worth, I plowed snow in -30C with my 580SM and ran Hytran in everything and never ever had the issues that you are describing. My backhoe also sits all winter at my minesite until I go there early May and start it up to plow snow with no issues. I think there is merit in what some...
  7. SlatcoAu

    Volvo A30C

    It should shift down to the lower gear prior to stalling out
  8. SlatcoAu

    Hitachi Exc270LC-5 hydraulic pump question

    AH, thanks Dave - EX not ZX.... my mistake
  9. SlatcoAu

    Hitachi Exc270LC-5 hydraulic pump question

    Ah ok, its probably not a -5 machine then
  10. SlatcoAu

    Hitachi Exc270LC-5 hydraulic pump question

    Is it throwing any codes? You should be able to turn the key forward (but not start) hold down the number 9 and then press the center of the scroll wheel. That should give you access to the service menu where you can see any generated codes.
  11. SlatcoAu

    WA-180 loader transmission issue

    I know this may seem crazy but on our WA180-1 we have to run the trans level way overfull to operate it. The dipstick needs to be above the high level mark by a fw quarts or it won't even move.
  12. SlatcoAu

    Deere 350g trouble codes

    Seems like something that could be temperature related.....
  13. SlatcoAu

    Bogie axel bolts A25C

    I was thinking I would put that broken bolt on a lathe and cross drill it to use as a pilot insert for a drill bit. Get some long drill bits and some long easy outs and try it that way. Will still need to pull a wheel to make this attempt....
  14. SlatcoAu

    Bogie axel bolts A25C

    Its this one. In retrospect i think I know what happened. I backed into a pile and was not level and started to lift and then changed my mind. I brought the load down to reposition and instead of bringing it down gently it slammed down and I believe that put too much side load on the clamp bolts.
  15. SlatcoAu

    A25C Volvo rock truck not shifting.

    Fantastic! TCU is a hell of a lot cheaper than a transmission!
  16. SlatcoAu

    A25C Volvo rock truck not shifting.

    Lol I feel your pain. Try changing that load sensor? The get home fix is bypassing the one ECU and plugging into the other one.
  17. SlatcoAu

    Bogie axel bolts A25C

    I noticed I had broke one of my bogie beam clamp bolts shear today. Any insight as to why this may have happened? How critical is it that this bolt be replaced as it looks like a very crappy job to do....
  18. SlatcoAu

    A25C Volvo rock truck not shifting.

    Hey there, sorry been out in the bush. Hopefully the speed sensors worked. Do you have the contronic display?