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Northern mb's latest activity

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    Northern mb reacted to .RC.'s post in the thread My D6D with Like Like.
    Now for something totally different, because I did not know where to put this, it does involve a D6 though. Doing some fencing at the...
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    Northern mb replied to the thread The upcoming generation.
    Every generation thinks they are more intelligent than the previous generation and wiser than the next generation. George Orwell
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    Northern mb replied to the thread D9H seat.
    Grammar builds seats for some d9s but I didn't find a d9h on their list. You could always contact them and see if they had one that...
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    Northern mb reacted to SniperBumag's post in the thread Crazy truck prices with Like Like.
    It's astonishing how truck prices have skyrocketed recently! Economic fluctuations and supply chain disruptions are partially to blame...
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    Northern mb replied to the thread Favorite Phone Apps.
    Memento database is probably my most used app for business. I haven't found much that beats it for record keeping
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    Northern mb replied to the thread 544K road speed too slow!.
    Is Max speed something that can be set for each operator? I have never run a deer wheel loader of that age but in know on my bosses 848l...